Links to Other Sites of Interest

The Jeffersonian "Collecting steel stories a labor of love"

The American Mosaic Semester at Dickinson College

Jill Harrison. "Obstacles to Social Movement Unionism: A Case Study of the United Steelworkers of America." (Ohio State University. 2004)

Nicole Radzievich. "From Park to Memorial," about the steelworker memorial in Bethlehem, PA. Allentown Morning Call. July 26, 2010.

Deborah Rudacille. Roots of Steel:Boom and Bust in an American Mill Town (2010)

River of Steel

Mark’ Reutter’s Making Steel

The Dundalk Eagle History of Sparrows Point

Heritage in Hampden—a local labor history project of Dave Gadsby

Labor Heritage—an inventory of Maryland union halls by Rob Chidester

The Library of Congress—American Memory—157 photos of the steel industry

The Rivers of Steel Heritage Area

The Youngstown, Ohio, Historical Center of Labor and Industry

Rob Chidester's Archaeology of Industrial Labor in Maryland