According to Elmer Hall, who grew up in the town of Sparrows Point and has published a wonderful book about the town, the Sparrows Point cemetery was located behind I Street on the North Side of town near the garages. Probably the Trotten family burial place, it contained the graves of
- John Trotten, who died in 1809 at age 38,
- Sarah Trotten, who died in 1856 at age 68,
- James Trotten, who died in 1804 at the age of 9 months
- Thomas Long, who died in 1823 at age 16.
Elmer notes that the burial ground was there long before either the town or the mill came into being. The Trotten family lived on the site of the old Sparrows Point Golf course, later Penwood Park.
A photo of the Trotten house is in Elmer's book. Retired Sparrows Point police officer Charles Ivey drew a diagram of the town, showing that the graveyard was off 9th Street, across an alley behind the indoor pistol range and the laundry, near the garages.
Retired Baltimore County historian John McGrain informs us that copies of some of the inscriptions on the tomb stones are at the Historical Society of Baltimore County.