Solidarnosc - Mittel Steel, Poland

One of the pleasures of sending a history project into cyberspace is the global readership. Since the autumn of 2006, a rep named Jacek Zommer, (who calls himself J@CEK) of the steelworkers union in Katowice, Poland, has been sending out messages, both about conditions in his plant and about a global network following the activities of Mittal Steel.

Steelworkers at Mittal in Katowice, Poland, organized in Solidarnosc (Solidarity) regularly protest conditions in their facility. Here are some photos forwarded by Jacek , who found our Sparrows Point site and has been regularly sending us information.

Even though the Sparrows Point plant is no longer owned by Mittal, the activities of steelworkers around the globe are important (or should be) to all of us in Dundalk.

Agreement between Solidarity and Mittel Steel (Word.doc)